a whole new month


1 piece of cake (yellow w/chocolate)

cream cheese and pepper roll up

Did a lot of walking. down six levels in parking garage, up six flights of stairs in the morning. down the stairs at the end of the day up the stairs again.

Apple juice

meds taken



coconut shrimp 3

Steak (guinness marinated)
mashed potatoes
grilled vegetables.

Cheesecake filled cake.

knee really hurt last night hands started too as well. I took 3 Ibuprofens.

This morning couldn't sleep...

Brunch: cream cheese wrap with pepper

Picnic: cheeseburger, salad (pasta, macaroni), eclairs, brownies, chips and salsa and bean dip. Pomogranit juice, soda, and water

Printed out copy for 10/16/07 appointment


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