I am not following through

So much for trying to keep you all posted of my health.  I survived the migraine and dizzy spell from hell.  I have had only one dizzy spell since that day and that was over the weekend.  Other than everything has been fine in that area.

I have been eating stuff some not so good and some okay.  Most days by the end of the day and sometimes as I start my day I get stiff.  My ankle seems to be giving me grief today.  IF I turn on it causes me pain and I have to limp until its okay.  Knees also have been making their voice heard.

I am continuing to take meds regularly.  I will be renewing prescription tomorrow because I will be out by next week.  The face has been breaking out but seems to be fine today.  There have been discussions I different meds for Lupus.   I saw another blog that the author deals with Lupus.

I see Hematologist next week to check the iron.  I also see the dentist for another filling.  I have to see the other dentist (I keep putting off calling him).


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