Saturday busy and informative.

Saturday was a busy day because I did some house cleaning and ate a lot of grape tomatoes. I read with interest my stress management and lupus emails. We had turkey tetrazine and salad for dinner. I had the hummus at lunch time. I have to stop eating it because the garlic goes right through my skin.

I took my medicine at the appointed time and seem to be doing much better with it. Although I found out on my lupus list that it is also called plaquin and has sulfur in it and can cause allergic reactions and apparently cause damage to the platelets in the blood. This was posted by one member of the list and she was glad I was going to the eye dr.

not going to Mohegan today..its snowing.

I had a very weird experience while driving home from church. Not once but twice I had what I call lightheaded moments where I thought I was getting dizzy. The first time was on Merwin Avenue by 5 corners and again on New Haven Avenue. I pulled over both times and checked to see if someone was behind me so I could drive slowly. They (the lightheaded moments) passed but I also had to tell myself to focus. I made it home and told Mom. She feels it’s nothing to worry about but did tell to keep a journal. It happened around 12:15.

I did tell her what I learned on the list about the med that it has the sulfur in it and she tried to look up in the pill book what the ingredient was and couldn’t find anything.

I did have cereal with Milk and sugar and before that tea with milk and sweetner.

we are going to have pot roast for dinner I think.


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