I see the Dr Today

5 pieces of candy

2 slices of pizza
chips and dips (salsa)
1 cherry cheese cake
4 cups of OJ
1 cup sprite
1 ore cookie cupcake
2 stuffed breads

1 piec of birthday care (with strawberry cream filling)

Bacon and tomato sandwich for dinner
(4 or 5 pieces of bacon, 2 slices of tomoto, 2 slices of bread w/butter)
1 milk

1 soda (sierra mist)

Doctor says clinically I am okay. Won't know anything else until he sees the blood tests. He has requested that next time I get them two weeks before appointment. The next time probably will be in January. If there are any problems he will call me

WEight: 230
BP: 170/80

by the end of the night my right hand hurt and ached and couldn't close it completely. I took three ibuprofen with Milk. Then I put some ben gay on the hand. If I keep it striaght and not clench the fist it will be okay.

my knee hurt when I would turn it a certain way (as I was bending down). Seems to be okay now.

printed out for October 16, 2007 appointment


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