I see the Dr Today.

It has been nearly a month and half since I last wrote. I took my medication regularly until I got Cellulitis in Early December. I kept an eye on what I ate and I don't remember having a lot of aches or pains in my legs or arms. I do remember chowing down on Tums in the last several weeks.

Sunday I had a migraine and got sick to my stomach but I had cookies (2 later that night).

Today I had 2 cups of coffee w/sweeteners and half and half

6 or 9 pieces of chocolate (various kinds).

1 carrot cake muffin w/cream cheese

1 pasta salad w/soda.

I did get a headache and my stomach seemed like it was going to erupt but I am fine now.

2 slices of cheese pizza.

I haven't gotten any blood tests. Will have to do it this month.


231 lbs
110/70 Blood Pressure
80 pulse

gained 14 pounds since 2005. Dr Martin wants me to do something about weight. He gave me the blood test request form. I will definitely do it tomorrow at Lunch time.

He is concerned with abrasion on roof of mouth. Need to keep an eye on it.

Dr. Martin wants me to start taking Calcium with Vitamin D.

Will look into gyms. DR M feels the Y would be the best. Mom says there are a couple of articles in the USA Magazine for the week of January 2-4, 2009. It is a Health report.

The 12 developments.

1. Chronic Heartburn can cause asthma. To curb GERD (gastroesophageal Reflux disease). Eat smaller meals. Ask the doctor if I should take medicines. (Note: I did and he said that Tums is fine)

2 Boost HDL (the good cholesterol) exercise, weight control, a diet high in monounsaturated fats (use olive oil, nuts, avacados, nuts), berries.

3 Regular exercise (I think this is where Mom was referring to about Gyms) (even non strenuous). exercise bikes 20 minute 3 x a week.

4 People with metabolic Syndrome (a group of health problems that causes too much fat around the waist (according to WebMD) can do quick bursts of high intensity exercises. As always it is recommended to check with DR first before changing exercise plan.

The ARticle also recommends taking Vitamin D and eating foods with fatty acids as salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, (codfish oils),


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