Muscle spasms

I have been experiencing a lot of pain on my left side.  At first I thought I may have reinjured the rib cage that I fell on back in August.  Then I figured it was muscle spasms.  It was causing me to not breath right and then I was afraid it may have been another blood clot.  I finally had it checked out today and he confirmed it was muscle spasms.  I am on muscle relaxants I can’t pronounce and he wants me to go to chiropractor.  He also said lying in bed would probably be not good.  That I should be in a hard chair or standing.  Well I figure if I am dozing I want to be comfortable.  For the most part the breathing is getting back to normal with an occasional burst of pain.  I am not sure what my vitals were but the BP seemed elevated.  Can’t imagine why.  Weight: 194 lbs.

I did have coffee, three or 4 mini eclairs, a bowl of cereal with Milk.


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