June 1, 2012

Rec'd Phone call from Dr. M Rosenblatt's Office for consult on June 20th 8:30 in am.

Neck still hurts-Mom says that she complained to her doc and he said its arthritis for her. possibly could be for me.  Been doing a lot of walking in the last couple of days.

Good night sleep

food intake:

Sausage Egg and Cheese sandwich on Hardroll; coffee (three cups at least including the cream and sugar and sweetner) for Breakfast.  lunch was French Dipped Roast beef and cheese sanwich on french bread.  There were fried onions with it.  I had Snapple Mango madness.  Dinner was onions and peppers with cole slaw sandwich.  Diet soda; regular soda and bread pudding.

yesterday bad food choices but very delicious.   Going to have to start writing down constantly.

My INR is still 1.6

dosage 10 MGs until Wednesday-then i get checked.  I see Dr. Lui right after that.


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