Finish Medication today
I will be finished with the prednosone when I get to work. I will be getting new stuff on the 22nd when I see Dr. Martin. My concern is what do I do if I get more pain? I probably will have to take the ibuprofin.
The black and blue mark where the blood was taken is slowly fading and probalby will be gone by the end of the week.
I weighed myself this morning and lost a whole pound!!!! :)
I had my breakfast when I got here and I had the kashi Autumn cereal with milk.
I took the medication and also had a chocolate ball (tiny).
I took some tylenol because of my cramps...the pads of my hands hurt a little.
It is lunchtime here and I am about to have some tea with sweetner and milk. Around 11 I had another bowl of cereal with milk. I have been very proud of myself I haven't gotten anymore candy or anything else either.
Around 2:30 had a bowl of cereal. it was the Quaker 100% Natural w/ milk.
I had gotten a twinger in my wrist but it didn't last very long...I have the other tylenol if it gets to be too much.
I had the rice and pork dish that we had for dinner last night tonight along with the cup of the Apple, peach passion fruit juice.
Feeling pretty good too.
The black and blue mark where the blood was taken is slowly fading and probalby will be gone by the end of the week.
I weighed myself this morning and lost a whole pound!!!! :)
I had my breakfast when I got here and I had the kashi Autumn cereal with milk.
I took the medication and also had a chocolate ball (tiny).
I took some tylenol because of my cramps...the pads of my hands hurt a little.
It is lunchtime here and I am about to have some tea with sweetner and milk. Around 11 I had another bowl of cereal with milk. I have been very proud of myself I haven't gotten anymore candy or anything else either.
Around 2:30 had a bowl of cereal. it was the Quaker 100% Natural w/ milk.
I had gotten a twinger in my wrist but it didn't last very long...I have the other tylenol if it gets to be too much.
I had the rice and pork dish that we had for dinner last night tonight along with the cup of the Apple, peach passion fruit juice.
Feeling pretty good too.