November 21, 2006

I was just heading to bed. Thought I would share how the day went. It was okay even though I was starting to get aggravated by a few things. One of the things that was the fact people were putting the outgoing mail (that was clearly mark) trays. Mail I sent out via interoffice came back to me.

I left around 2:30 and found my ID in the car. I hadn’t found it this morning when I needed it. I was relieved by that. The traffic was horrendous but I managed to get to the Drs with very little problem.

I signed some papers paid my co-pay and still have to fill out more papers and send them copies of my insurance card. It was nearly 4 when I started getting the BP (which was a bit high). There wasn’t much difference from the last visit. He asked me if I was achy and in pain and I told him a few times. I have to remember to bring my health log with me to let him know what kinds of things were happening. He reminded me to stay off the salt. I see him again in February.

When I left I headed for Shop Rite. I was in the mood to eat raw pie dough. You know the kind. Pillsbury, Betty Crocker they all have it. I love eating it. It’s like eating raw meat (yes I know I am odd habits). I have been known to buy canned frosting and eat it. As I was heading down to get it in the refrigerated aisle I ran into Liz. I was really annoyed. Instead of getting it I talked with her and Nelson (who is continuing to tease me about getting a husband. He kept asking me if I am cooking dinner Thursday). Liz told him to stop. I helped her get some stuff and she also told me that Jim wasn’t going to be bringing the kids or she was asking me. I was confused and I guess I looked angry with her because she told me. I told her I wasn’t but that I am disappointed. She wasn’t sure but apparently she got an email saying “sans”. After awhile I left and was pissed because I didn’t get the pie crust. All the while trying to figure out what to tell Mom when she would eventually ask why I was at the store.

When I got home it was nearly five. The traffic was awful the entire time. Slow and people just driving me crazy. They were not moving fast enough for me. When I got home I watched TV and ate some pita bread chips. I even went online for a bit. I eventually had some cereal because Mom wasn’t coming home soon.

Mom came home around 7 or 8. I told her what Liz said to me and she asked me why I was there. I told her I was getting juice which is what I am going to. After awhile she called Liz and then Jim. Liz was out but Mom talked with Nelson. I evne said to Mom I hope I didn’t talk out of turn. A part of me just was hoping that Liz wasn’t doing that to get reactions.

Mom finally heard from Jim and he said he doesn’t know his French well. He is going to be here with the kids tomorrow night at 6. That’s a relief. I emailed Liz with that info but my mail system is being extremely difficult tonight.

Hey I called Mardi tonight. She was tired and in the middle of watching NCIS. Her Daughter Elana answered and I called her sister’s names. Mardi got on and I whined at her for calling her daughter the wrong name. We talked for about 15 minutes. I think I did most of the talking. I made sure I asked her some questions and she answered them. She will have a busy couple of weeks. We might get together soon.

I did some laundry and dusted while Mom had dinner and started some cooking. She is making sauce for spaghetti tomorrow. We put the eaves in the table. Now I am going to bed.


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