Back is better

I took some ibuprofen early this morning and haven't had too much pain. Took my plaquenel at the appointed times and no real aches and pains. I had a couple of bowls of cereal one for breakfast one for lunch. I finished off the bread pudding today. For dinner I had two hot dogs and cheese with bread and OJ. I haven't really read alot of the Lupus emails (just moved them to the lupus folder and the same with the stress management list either. I did post an update to them.


Wanda Thacker said…
You are doing pretty good here, but you should put a post on about what lupus is and when you were diagnosed, sorta as the purpose of your blog. That way civilians will know why the aches and pains effect you so much.
Kate said…
Thank you Wanda I did revise my introduction post a few minutes ago it is under NOvember Archives entitled Introduction. I have been doing this journal since November. You are more than welcome to read the archives.:)

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