Saw the Eye MD today
The exam went well. Everything was normal and he says that with the glasses I have 20 20 vision without well it aint. He says he wants to see me in 6 months and then after that once a year. He said its rare for plaquenel to effect the eyesight and even then its reversable.
I had cereal for breakfast and the turkey and spaghetti for lunch and some crackers around 4 today and meatloaf sandwich. I took my medicine alittle while ago and I have to say my wrist is hurting but as if I had leaned on it too much. GEtting up from the chairs is a little difficult considering I lean on my legs to help me up.
I had cereal for breakfast and the turkey and spaghetti for lunch and some crackers around 4 today and meatloaf sandwich. I took my medicine alittle while ago and I have to say my wrist is hurting but as if I had leaned on it too much. GEtting up from the chairs is a little difficult considering I lean on my legs to help me up.