Buyers' Remorse


This weekend I went grocery shopping and bought a lot of junk food.  Twinkies, Cherry pie and Reece’s Pieces chocolate cookies.  All but the cookies were eaten by last night.  I also bought other things needed and ate some of that but by the time I went to bed I felt awful.  I had to take some tums.  Yuck.   


Considering I was appalled at the knowledge that my weight was at 226 last week.  I know I have been eating a lot of crap.  I keep saying I can’t keep eating like this...I need to find a better way of losing the weight.


This morning I had coffee and nothing else.  I am not really anxious to put much in my stomach as it seems to be bothering me again.  I am hoping by the end of the day I will feel better.


I really need to start wearing those compression stockings I bought a while back.  The ankles have been swollen and today one hurts (it's gotta be what I have been eating again). 


I tried walking yesterday about a 1/4 of a mile in the condo complex.  I stopped because I was chatting up some of the neighbors.  The weather was changing as well.


I have decided that I will start counting calories again.


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