October 25, 2018

Completed the six week Living at Yale with Chronic Illness workshop this week.  Learned some things to do differently and some to apply. IF the opportunity arises may take it again.

Gym: Didn’t go wednesday but expected that and knew I would be doing some walking and managed to walk 2.26 miles yesterday for a total of 9k + steps for yesterday. Ended up not going to gym last night or tonight.  Today’s told steps 7k..

Had some stressful moments this week.  Nothing that would stop me in my tracks health wise I don’t think but the moments or issues are being resolved.  Moving ahead with other things right now.

Avoided the restaurant to have Happy Hour (accomplished that).  

Food today:

Coffee w/sweetner and half and half 2 (trying to limit)
Protein Drink for breakfast and lunch (didn’t bring food).

6 pieces of candy late in the day and one cookie. *not going on the food tracker*

Mixed the frozen corn with frozen peas and ground oregano and garlic and a little butter then a couple of hours later I had brussel sprouts with taco seasoning on it.  It was good but I think it made my face break out around the mouth. I also had some string cheese. I am thinking not the best choices but I couldn’t have the rotisserie because it was now three days old...oh and fresh raw peppers.  

2 cups of coffee with tsp half and half.

Had some aches and pains or stiffness around the hips tonight.


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