Health round up

Finally had my infusion Friday after having it get cancelled on its usual day because the Insurance company hadn't authorized it yet.  The Center had been providing them with the paper work but they came back needing more.  I was concerned when the tech did not prep me with Tylenol and Zyrtec.  She gave it to me when I mentioned it and she was surprised I get it.  She doesn't usually prepare that for infusions. I didn't really feel well that night. Will tell the other tech when I see her next month.

I will be seeing Anita Deangelo next week for three month appointment in two weeks.  I will see Dr. Sonia in January.

Hematologist Dr. Lu says numbers great.  No sign of blood clot, no anemia, but lose weight.  Will see him Mid January.

I have an appointment with Courtney this coming Wednesday.  She will be really disappointed in my progress since obviously gained weight. 

I see Debra this week (barring any changes to our schedule).

I have been trying to keep an eye on what I eat.  I did eat the rest of the dozen cookies I made earlier this week.  Would explain why I wasn't feeling well yesterday.

Last two days I had steak, soup, shredded cheese, mini pizza with sauce and shredded cheese, also had a Healthy choice steamer w/grated cheese.  Lots of water, coffee, juice, milk, had some bread slices with spread.  Baked potato w/butter.

Managed to do some extra walking yesterday (about 2 miles), ankle made itself known a few occasions.  Left hip twinges now and then.  Have take meds need to reorder.


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