Some good news

I was supposed to see Debra today but I confused the time and couldn’t do it.  We are trying tomorrow.  Sigh.  I really hate when I do that.  I probably will tell her about the events of the weekend. 

I saw the Hematologist today.  He said my numbers were good.  He says that by April 11th.  The anniversary of the blood clot I can stop taking the Xarelto and then come to see him three weeks later.  He did say that I probably will not have to take anymore blood thinners ever again.  He did say if I get pains or can’t breathe to take the Xarelto again.  He did say my iron was low so I have to take that again.  I will see him in late April or May.

Some very interesting discussions regarding support groups (wehre to find) and other illnesses co-existing with Lupus.


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