February 3, 2013

Well happily no nose bleeds today.  I had a quick one yesterday but it stopped after 20 minutes.  The next big concern is almost every night I have had aches in my hands or wrist (at least the left one).  Every night I have to take Ibuprofen or the Kirkland version of Tylenol.  My right foot is still swollen most days.  I try to keep it elevated but its hard when I am at the computer.

My food intake in the last couple of days:

Yesterday: I had salads, several slices of pizza, chips and dips, and some cheese.
Today: Fruit, Humus w/crackers, coffee, egg salad sandwich, chocolate truffles (3), You can look for my dinner menu here.  I also had peach ice tea.  Plenty of water that I noticed I am drinking more of.

I had a full CBC at Dr. Lu’s last week.  This week I would like to do the other thing.  I continue to take Xarelto.

Since it is also hte beginning of the month the Lupies files that come out with recommendations for ways to deal with Lupus I deleted as they come out everyone month.


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