January 8, 2013

I haven't done the bloodwork yet and I am not sure when I can.  I am not going to sit here and make promises and then end up not doing it.  I had to cancel my appointment with Dr. Becker.  I haven't heard back from them but I will call them later.

I am fighting a little headach this mornign so I had a fried egg sandwich with cheese and onions on an English muffin and home fries

I was achy last night despite taking the plaquenil and the Xareltol.  I had taken the Tylenol and the aches and pains went away a short time later.  I am pretty sure it was the Mac and Cheese (more specifically the salt in the dinner prep).  I suspect the dried out holiday cookies had something to do with it as well.

 I have been trying to drink more water this week than in the past.  I knowI have been drinking far too much soda lately.


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