
yesterday saw the dentist...can't save the tooth recommends an oral surgeon.  I have an appointment for consultation tomorrow.  Will bring hard cover book for note taking.  I was in a lot of pain last night.  I had to take tylenol a couple of times.  I didn't eat very much during the day for fear of breaking the temporary bond on the tooth.  It didn't seem to be a problem at dinner tonight.  I will let you know what the doctor says tomorrow.

I had my coumadin level checked its up to 1.6.  Still not where it should be but upward is good in my book.  the dosage for this week is as follows:

Tonight: 10 mg
Tomorrow: 10 mg
Sunday: 7.5 mg
Monday: 10 mg
Tuesday: 10 mg
Wednesday: 7.5 mg
Thursday: 10 mg
Friday: get tested then new dosage.

 if it reaches the accepted level I won't have to have it checked for a month.

Oh and as if it isn't enough-my menstrual started last night.  I also have a cold.  Took one Zertec



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