4 days now

What have I been doing that I haven't been writing in here? Geesh..some blogger I turned out to be! Well lets think about this....

Wednesday I had coffee, chocolates, plums, and for dinner:

salad w/dressing, bread and butter, and oil, Shrimp Parmigania and carrot cake

Thursday I had:

plums, coffee, candy, and for dinner Gnocci and milk and ice cream.

Friday I Had:

Mint Tea, candy, coffee, plums, and fish and vegetables, and cake, and milk, Ice cream.


Bowl of raisin bran w/milk, strawberry jam sandwich w/milk, beef stew for dinner and tobasco sauce (huge mistake). Ice cream, and several glasses of milk.


Coffee w/ sweetner, and milk, ginger ale, two slices of read w/ strawberry jam, hamburgers, and dessert, and water. Bowl of cereal (2 bowls of cereal). 8 broiled mushrooms, 1 can of ice tea, 4 graham crackers,

Last night was the first night in a couple of days that I had any aches and pains. All the others are just getting out of a chair. I took the Ibuprofen an tylenol and my plaquenil. I know it was becaus of teh sauce i added to the stew.


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